This wedding for me, will always be memorable.
Often as a photographer, I get in a bit of a rhythm at a wedding ceremony. I know what happens next and how it will go, I watch for the moment the brides mum may choke up and I ensure I’m positioned for the rings, kiss and any special customs… but Monique and Dusan’s wedding ceremony put me right back in my place and forced me to uniquely appreciate the splendour in every moment.
They say that when you loose one of your senses, that the others are heightened. They’re right. I understood a total of nothing that was spoken during this union! My Serbian language skills are non existent so I think that’s fair ? but the incredible thing was that because I couldn’t translate the spoken language, I automatically focused on body language more, enjoyed the resounding hum of the baritone singers and let the experience be completely new.
While these two were clearly friends and lovers for life, I’ll always be grateful for the reminder of what a wedding ceremony is, without the distraction of words.
Monique and Dusan – thank you and I wish you a lifetime of casually enjoyed company together.
Sherryn xx